Assessment and Selection, Phase 1
Assessment and Selection, Phase 1 is a site-specific sculpture on semi-permanent loan to the Angels Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro, California, created in November 2017 for "Hot Flat," an exhibition curated by Jeanne Dreskin and Santi Vernetti, and including work from Michael Cataldi, Abigail Collins, Gelare Khoshgozaran, Fleurette West, and Richard Wheeler.Assessment and Selection, Phase 1 uses the visual language of signs found on both military bases—Angels Gate Cultural Center is located on piece of the what used to be a part Fort MacArthur—and municipal parks—an adjacent part of the former based is now Angels Gate Park. Fabricated by a contractor who does work for the United States Government, the signs blend into the background of the site and appear as if they have always been there. The orientation of the signs to each other is meant to evoke fitness or exercise courses found in public parks.
The text of the signs refers to various phrases or expressions heard in military training. They exemplify the kind of ambiguous yet also extreme language of performance often encountered in military training and in military life.